We love the Ionian. Once you experienced what sailing the Ionian sea is like, which either already happened or will happen inevitably, you will understand exactly why. It is not just the calm waters of its east coasts, nor the pleasant west wind caressing your skin. It is more than its sapphire depths and colorful […]
Greece is the cradle of western civilization. A home of philosophy and modern thought. A motherland of politics, medicine and art. Yet, if given only two words to describe it, for us those two would be beauty and beauty. That is exactly how astonishing it is, even more so if you visit it the way […]
Sailing to the Aegean sea means entering Greek’s focal point. And Turkey’s too. And Europe’s and Asia’s. These depths have been a matter of constant disputes, turmoil and even wars ever since civilization started to exist. There were the Greeks, the Romans, the Venetians, the Ottomans, and the crusaders – they all wanted their share. […]
Sailing the Cyclades. There is a strange parallel lingering between how the phrase sounds and how the actual experience feels. The word Cyclades is difficult to pronounce. You spontaneously stop for a millisecond and think before opening your mouth. Similarly enough, sailing these islands is not a fun ride for sailing rookies. It is a […]